One of the main characters for a superhero themed comic world, the Insatiable Spider Slut, mild manner nerdy girl photographer who strips and covers herself in webbing when danger appears.
One of the main characters for a superhero themed comic world, the Insatiable Spider Slut, mild manner nerdy girl photographer who strips and covers herself in webbing when danger appears.
So as many of my patreon supporters know I’ve long been occasionally making a super hero character here and there. Of the comic superhero parodies I’ve made the sensational SheHemoth, a parody of Marvel Comics She-Hulk (She-Hulk was one of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A redo of the Incredible Hunk parody character of Marvel Comics Avengers Incredible Hulk and Captain America merged into one hung bishonen character, working on my digital painting skills as I’ll need to do a lot of that to get […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NSFW oppai hentai ero art of Superman’s busty big tits cousin Power Girl in sexy DC Comics cartoon porn parody fan service illustration from the upcoming superhero porn parody comic DC vs Marvel. SFW oppai hentai Power Girl ecchi version […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NSFW uncensored hentai high school nerd and secret identity of Spider-Slut, nerdy Arrica Neeley when her hair’s up, and the insatiable Spider-Slut when her hair’s down. SFW ecchi hentai high nerdy superhero alter ego available at sfwhentai.wordpress.com
Another opponent for Spider-Slut and Marvel Comics character for the fan service adult porn comic crossover series DC vs Marvel. SFW Marvel Comics symbiote Carnage hentai art version available at SFWHentai.wordpress.com